Dr. Win Meyer-RochowThyroid Surgeon

Dr. Meyer-Rochow performs a wide range of general surgical procedures with particular expertise in endocrine surgery, specifically thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal gland surgery including minimally invasive and minimal access (otherwise known as "keyhole" surgery) surgical techniques.
MB ChB (Otago), FRACS, PhD (Sydney)
Accredited at the Following Hospitals
Waikato Hospital
Braemar Hospital
Anglesea Procedure Centre
Special Interests
Thyroid surgery
Parathyroid surgery
Minimally invasive thyroid and parathyroid surgery
Laparoscopic adrenal surgery
New Zealand Association of General Surgeons
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Australian Endocrine Surgical Society
The Endocrine Society
International Society of Surgery
International Association of Endocrine Surgeons
Network Association for Academic Surgery
University of Sydney Cancer Research
Scientific Staff Council, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney
Senior Lecturer, Waikato Clinical School, University of Auckland
Consultant Surgeon, Waikato Hospital
Practice Locations
Endocrine & Surgical Services
13 Lorne Street
PO Box 145, WMC,Hamilton 3240
New Zealand
Waikato Hospital
Dept of Surgery, Waikato Hospital
Pembroke Street
Private Bag 3200Hamilton 3240
New Zealand
Peachgrove Specialists
192 Peachgrove Road, Claudelands
Hamilton 3214
New Zealand
(07) 847 0773
Contact Details