A/Prof. Ming Khoon YewEndocrine Surgeon

A/Prof. Ming Khoon YewA/Prof. Ming Khoon Yew
A medical graduate of the University of Western Australia, Dr. Yew trained in Perth before completing 2 years of post-fellowship training in Breast and Endocrine surgery.
With a passion to deliver excellence in surgical care, Dr. Yew continues to develop and pioneer cutting edge surgical techniques to achieve the best of outcomes for his patients. In fact, Dr. Yew has performed several Australian-first techniques and his expertise has been acknowledged by invitations to mentor and lecture at National and International Surgical forums.  This includes Scarless Transoral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy and retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy.
Dr. Yew is well regarded for his empathetic approach with patients and excellent surgical outcomes, with international benchmarking. In house ultrasound examination can be performed to enhance clinical care and streamline management.
Dr. Yew has a private practice based out of his consulting rooms at 52 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco. He is accredited at SJOG Subiaco and SJOG Murdoch Hospitals, as well as Royal Perth Hospital and Bentley hospital.


  • Accredited at the Following Hospitals

    Bentley Hospital

    Royal Perth Hospital

    St John of God Murdoch

    St John of God Subiaco

  • Special Interests

    Minimally Invasive parathyroidectomy

    Prone Retroperitoneoscopic Adrenalectomy

    Scarless Transoral endoscopic Thyroidectomy and Parathyroidectomy

  • Associations

    Breast section of the RACS

    Breast SurgANZ

    General surgeons Australia

    International Surgical Society


    Western Australian Endocrine Surgeons Society

  • Appointments

    Consultant Endocrine Surgeon RPH

    Chair of Thyroid Cancer Multidisciplinary Meeting RPH

  • Affiliations

    Curtin University, Western Australia

Practice Locations

Contact Details

Australian & New Zealand Endocrine Surgeons

Suite 202 Level 2 AMA House 69 Christie Street ST LEONARDS, NSW 2065

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